Saturday, June 10, 2006

Letter to Senator Chuck Hagel

How can you go about doing the business of the people when we are being ruled by a tyrant? Do you condone tyrannical deeds?

Our system of checks and balances has gone out the door and still you just sit and formulate ideas to enable our march to fascism. Didn't our forefathers provide for a solution to the dilemma we find ourselves in? Impeachment is the answer. Not just the President, but the entire executive branch must be eradicated. Drastic measures must be taken. We are surely on our way to something that is less free than we have enjoyed in our past. You must realize this, unless you are a part of the machinery that got us to this point.

Transparency in government is needed for the people to play their part in being informed enough to cast their ballots. Those of us who have taken the time to educate ourselves have come to some awful conclusions about where we've been, who we are now and where we are headed. Declassified government documents released to the public and pointed to by whistleblowers have awakened a sleeping giant in the people who put you in office. Notice that legislature has been suggested to re-classify many of those documents, in which case we the people will lose out on being included in the process. We will remain ignorant. Is this how we want to be defined?

Do something before it's too late. Sign onto Senator Feingold's measure to censure and call for impeachment proceedings to commence in the house. You know it's the right thing to do.


At 8:46 PM, Blogger Accidental Antagonist said...

Sent a letter to the editor of the paper along the same lines as the letter to Hagel. I had to get it down to 200 words and this is what I came up with:

Checks and balances are non-existent while lawmakers enable our march to fascism. Our forefathers provided a solution to the dilemma we find ourselves in. Impeachment is the answer. The entire Executive branch must be eradicated. Drastic measures are called for. We are surely on our way to something less free than we have enjoyed in our past. Since the Legislative branch is part of the machinery that got us here, it’s becoming apparent that they do not care. Do they believe it‘s a good idea to usurp the Constitution and compromise our rights? Elections are questionable and corruption runs rampant in both houses.

Government transparency is needed for the people to be informed enough to cast their ballots. Declassified government documents released to the public and pointed to by whistleblowers have awakened a sleeping giant in the people who vote. Legislature has been suggested to re-classify many of these documents, in which case we the people will lose out on being included in the process. We‘ll remain ignorant. This is not how we want to be defined.

Our elected officials must sign onto Senator Feingold's measure to censure and Senator Conyers motion to impeach. It’s the right thing to do.


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