Sunday, July 09, 2006

10 Million Americans Assemble to Restore the Republic

Rick Siegel is the filmmaker featured in 9/11 Eyewitness found on google video.~~Antagonist

"What’s next?" 9/11/2006 in Washington DC!

As I see the various Freedom, Liberty and Truth movements’ progress throughout my nation the one missing ingredient is the answer to the question, what can I do? Questions are raised to end the wars; prison abuse, tax abuse, wage abuse, race abuse and corporate governance and this may well be the answer.

You may have spent the hours, weeks and months in study and now you know there is a huge tumor that has eaten away our Liberty, Freedom and Constitutional guarantees. You have looked and found no law or authority for the relentless tax collections by private agents purporting to be the “government”. You have seen the horrible frauds as the governments collusion in the events surrounding the 911 hoaxes grow. Routine traffic stops, random searches, extraordinary rendition, and torture, which are repugnant to freedom, liberty and the Constitution have found permenant domicile in our nation. You know the problem is deep. Your understanding of the issues continues to grow, but there is one thing that eludes you and everyone else; what the hell can you do?

You see your local, state and federal governance has changed themselves into corporations to cloak themselves from being a representative, responsible entity and granted themselves immunity from the crimes they may perpetrate. Children are being desensitized to searches by flak jacketed masked and armed men and women, put through metal detectors and taught to enjoy this as freedom and security. You see the truth and understand. This is not right.

What the hell do we do?

I came back to NY City last Sept 11, 2005 to bring a video that I thought would change the world. Well, they marched me in front of the empty NY Times building where they stood waving banners to an empty building. Then marched across town to Rockefeller Place at a speed that one usually reserves for a foot race. They stopped for a quick picture before the police rushed them on to the UN. There we were all herded into an empty lot across the street from an empty and closed UN where more banners were waved and 30 people got to talk to each other.

Earlier in the day some of the crews were at Ground Zero, but it was more an embarrassment, as some factions were adamant to force truth down the mourning families of people who had been crushed in the buildings destruction. Others who disagreed with the rights of these protestors were threatening to remove the other group’s freedoms. When the media did notice the efforts by the 911 truth they used the incident to show the callous disregard for mourning relatives by the fringe.

All the while I ask myself why I traveled from exile 7000 miles for this?

For this latest trip to Chicago I took the step of taking what I thought to be a solution. To regain control of our organic governances and brought it into my presentation. It was well received and the only negative comment was that I would be shot. So now I would like to outline what I think we can do before it is too late.

We cannot perceive that our government is a monolithic independent functioning entity when it is a reperesentatation of the will of the people. When viewed in that reality we should, en masse, be able to take back what has been usurped. The government has distanced itself from the people through its actions and corruptions. It has put aside freedom and liberty to pursue search and seizure for the wealth produced from this subjugation.

They have committed treason fraud and murder in NY on 911 and with the help of the officials there destroyed the crime scene of 2000+ murders so no forensics or murder investigation could be had. The demolition of the three steel and concrete buildings in NY on September 11, 2001 must be a reminder of the depths that the government along with their corporate masters will go to gain power over the American people. There can be no more terrorists jealous of our freedoms since the real terrorists have removed our freedoms. Those terrorists are the corporate government overlay in DC and their funders.

Several months ago corporate president Bush told the Americans the truth to their face, “The Constitution is just a piece of paper”. Nothing he has said is truer, yet Americans have been so dumbed down they can’t remember simple history much less the simple physics in 911 Eyewitness.

Perhaps if you remember that the united states of America under the Constitution ended a few years prior to what is called the “Civil War” it would help. Congress ended the nation called the united states of America forever. The representatives went home and two new nations were formed. They each formed new governments, constitutions, coined money, had representatives and completed treaties on the international table of nations. After a couple years the Union (which were the capitalist northern industrial slave states) needed to get to the agricultural southern nations wealth so they manipulated a war and with the help of the Crown defeated the Confederate States. The Union States then installed military rule, the puppet regime (this is JUST like Iraq isn’t it?) and passed laws to subjugate that nation and make it a slave of a new nation called THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA incorporated in 1887 under a new constitution that started with the 14th Amendment. The reconstruction of this bastardization mix of the enslaved industrial north with the conquered territories in the south is hidden in romantic metaphor that deludes us into thinking that the united states of America, a Republic under the Constitution still exists.

As we go from the anniversary of the Powers demolition of the Twin Towers and destruction at the Pentagon we must take back what is ours. From Sept 11, 2006 to the Constitution day we want to call a Mass Assembly of the People to take back our Constitutional Republic. We want to call for a redress of the government and a restoration of a responsible Republic free of corporate dictums and immunities.

Meet me in Congress this September 11, 2006 and let us demand our nations return to the Constitutional Republic. End the tyranny of Democracy and corporate rule.
Rick Siegel


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