Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Forced to carry on alone

Ok, I'm going to have to change direction and just plod along alone, I guess. Can't seem to get a dialogue here. I posted this on one forum, where I found a lone 9-11 Thread dedicated to an acclaimed film widely available. Somebody help me out here before they take me away to the funny farm! I can't afford the luxury of being highly medicated to forget the thoughts that are invading my mind! Loose change: 9/11 questions unanswered - what's the real story?

What makes me the angriest about all of this is that most people absolutely refuse to look at the evidence that hasn't been disputed. The evidence that's been ignored. Well, I refuse to believe that a multi-trillion dollar defense can't intercept hijacked airplanes flying into buildings in New York and the most highly defended building in the world, our Pentagon.

My obsession however, is driven by my anger at being called insane, ignorant, irresponsible, unpatriotic, hater of my country, (I'll concede at this point that's beginning to become a reality) treasonous, liberal scum, moonbat, radical insurgent, anarchist, libloser, bitch, c*nt, whore, loser, knucklehead....u get the picture.

I don't know why other people aren't seeing what millions of us are. NOTHING. Why did they resist an investigation????? Why did these people all buy the official story from the suspiciously quick moments after 9/11 that they foisted it on us? Why is so much about 9-11 being kept from us?

Eleven million dollars was provided to investigate 9-11. (the 9-11 Commission requested millions more and were turned down) I imagine, being so under-funded, that the only experts they heard from are those the government provided to support their conspiracy theories. A completely, independent, world tribunal is the only way to get at the truth.

In stunning contrast, about forty-five million dollars was spent to investigate the Clintons. (I suspect much more than that, but that's just me)

As I sit here fixated on what I perceive to be the truth, naturally the wonderment of why so many still refuse to see it nags at me. Any number of reasons come to mind. First and foremost, too horrible to contemplate. Too messy. Americans don't like to admit when they're wrong. Hell, nobody in the world likes to admit they're wrong. Keep in mind though, (unlike the Bush administration does) evasion by denial doesn't vindicate anything. Some might agree with PNAC that America has an imperial place in the world. (That's sick, imho) Others probably agree that we need the oil. Where was the oil when this country was founded? Are we so soft that we think we'll all die if there is no more oil? TRILLIONS are spent on defense. If we REALLY want to help the world, let's take that money and develop affordable, clean alternatives to share with our global brethren. Still, others who refuse to see might be afraid to face world condemnation. Wussies! Take your punishment! It's not like we're all gonna die if we admit a mistake. Granted, some of our citizens may be subject to death by a world tribunal. I don't believe in the death penalty. Unless they could make it so no innocents are ever wrongfully convicted, it's barbaric. However, I have no qualms if others are adamant in their support for it. Either way you look at it, we're not all gonna die...unless we close our eyes to the truth and the rest of the world is plotting against us as I write this. You bet I'm paranoid about that.

So tell me again, if you are one of the ones who want to call me every name in the book why it is you refuse to see?

Before you answer, check out all the
free videos available online. Loose Change which was the original topic of this thread is a good place to start.

Here's some more free videos.

None of these videos are 100% plausible. Some of them I'd give a 90-95%...

All I ask is that you open your mind. If by doing so, you see a bit of light, make your doubts known. The way to get back American Pride is to admit mistakes. Admit wrong and be strong enough to take the consequences. We'll all feel better for it and this gaping wound can finally begin to heal.


At 12:23 PM, Blogger Accidental Antagonist said...

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