Saturday, July 22, 2006

My story: Making sense of the senseless

On 9/11/2001, I along with most of the world, witnessed the worst crime ever committed in my country in my lifetime.

I awoke that morning and in the middle of going through my regular routine, switched on the Today Show. I saw the World Trade Center tower 2 in flames. A jet crashed into the building and it didn't seem as if they knew what had happened. The news came in bit by bit.

After sending my children off to school, I sat down to watch the drama unfold. As America watched, another jet slammed into WTC 1. The panic set in immediately. I was stunned, afraid for all those people, horrified at what I was seeing, dumbfounded and awed. Even now, those words seem understated. In incremental blocks, we learned that another plane went down in Pennsylvania and yet another was lost from radar. Before it was over, our Pentagon, arguably one of the most if not the most secure building on the planet had been attacked.

If all that wasn’t surreal enough, we watched the two mighty towers collapse before our eyes…after which my fear level had risen to the point of wanting to run out of my house and down the street to my children’s school as visions of imploding buildings across America flashed through my mind.

As the mother of 6 children, I have always been interested in world politics. Although I never liked what I was reading about, I always felt secure being in America, the strongest nation on earth. I felt that whatever came our way, it would be addressed and taken care of. But on 9/11, that sentiment collapsed along with those towers.

Later in the day I learned another Trade Center building collapsed. It was WTC 7. I watched the news 24/7 for days after.

The threat grew more ominous. The media told us in a surprisingly short time who was responsible for this act. On 9/14/2001, we learned the names of 18 hijackers and were told that the mastermind was Osama bin Laden.

On September 16, 2001, Osama bin Laden denied any involvement in the 9/11 hijacks. His statement was broadcast by Al Jazeera television. He said, "I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons."


So although I was told that this man was the monster who perpetrated that horrible crime, here he was telling everybody he wasn’t. Sure, I thought…all criminals deny their crimes. There are more “innocent” people in jail than guilty. When president Bush was asked if he believed that bin Laden was behind the attacks he stated, "No question he is the prime suspect. No question about that."

Since 9/11 the world has changed drastically and many might argue not for the better. We are headed toward a one-world government. Torture, warrantless domestic spying and heavy-handed police tactics have become policy. It seemed all too convenient for the PNAC crowd that they got their “new Pearl Harbor” which made forwarding their agenda possible. The Patriot Act was soon part of our lives and fear ruled.

In March of 2006, I was channel-surfing and learned that a CNN program called “showbiz tonight” had aired some very controversial statements from Charlie Sheen questioning the official account of what happened to us on 9/11. After the character assassination started on this man who was the star of a hit tv show at the time, it intrigued me that he came out when he had so much to lose and nothing really worthwhile to gain.

I started to research the phenomenon of 9/11 truth. I first googled Charlie Sheen and 9/11 to see what I could find and nothing came up except old news about Sheen and nothing about his 9/11 statements. I started to suspect that google was censoring these searches and a little more digging after switching to other search engines confirmed it. “What the heck is going on,” I wondered.

In my search I found information about 9/11 I hadn’t even considered. Some people were claiming that the towers and especially WTC 7 had the characteristics of controlled-demolition. I searched for videos and photographs of the collapse and was surprised to find that I didn’t remember how explosive it seemed. I started reading about eyewitness accounts from firefighters and workers from the WTC that explosions occurred before and after the planes hit. I read a story in a fire-fighter magazine that the clean-up efforts were criminally negligent in that not enough investigation was being conducted at the scene and the evidence was being removed too quickly to get a proper one.

I learned about stock trades that spiked for the airlines involved in the hijacks days before 9/11 that bet on these companies’ stocks to fall. I learned so much that it soon caused me to consider the unthinkable, entities within our own country may have known enough to have at least prevented the attacks while others may have even had a hand in them.

I’m a college student with a 3.83 GPA and when I discovered the website, Scholars for 9/11 Truth ( I requested membership and was accepted. After accessing their private forum, I found that although there is a little dissent among these dissenters, we are basically all looking for the same thing, how to make sense out of that which doesn’t make sense.

It’s not an easy thing to come to the conclusion that we were not told everything we needed to hear.

It makes this country look like a bunch of ignorant buffoons to run off half-cocked because we’re fearful of what happened here. It’s illogical to put our defensive resources so far from home after we were attacked on our own soil. We didn’t think things through. We rushed through everything even before a proper investigation into 9/11 was conducted.

I had never been a political activist before, and I am still wary about having to go public with it, but I’ve taken those first steps by associating myself with a very eminent group of people who have chosen to study the situation as thoroughly as possible. Instead of condoning policies that take away freedoms around the world, this ethos-laden group has decided to question the event that got us to this point.

It is time for the world to lay down their weapons and talk. We cannot survive if we do not address all the problems we face as a planet which no amount of military intervention will solve. There is a reason for why the world is such a tinderbox today and 9/11 in my opinion, is key.

The changes that have occurred in my life as a result of 9/11, I consider a gift. I have been shown that my own personal problems pale in comparison to the problems that face the world. I enjoy more the love of my family and friends and although a sadness stays with me there is also optimism because there are people who recognize a need to address 9/11 in the way that it should have been right after it happened.

I haven't listed my sources for the information I've found, but if anybody so inclined who is reading this does the searching him or herself, they will find many mainstream sources to the evidence I've cited. It's not an easy journey to get to this place, but it is comforting to know that you at least care enough to open your eyes.

Previously in this post I quoted the president as saying that no question bin Laden was the mastermind, yet the FBI says there is no hard evidence linking him to 9/11 and on their website, they do not even cite 9/11 as something he's wanted for. I will provide a source for that one. Click this link.


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