Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Was it an inside job?

I don't know, but I do know that we are in trouble as we were not only witness to 9/11's destruction and loss of life, we are also seeing a lot of what it all meant. Those who are truly trying to understand the magnitude of the issue do consider all sides. We do not want to be exposed for the monstrous tactics which got us to this point. To be defined in such vile terms is heart-wrenching. We desperately want to be told something that we can believe. Does it matter if it hurts us terribly to find out? Not if it's the truth. Think about the division we are experiencing as humanity is forced into this predicament.

Muslim terrorism has been created and perpetuated by the foreign policy of the USA. It's disheartening to see so much ignorance in this country, but it's rather calming to confront the tyranny and prepare for consequences as I continue to at least hold onto the right of free speech and can decry the oppression.

Activists who stand with me are not going to go away and we'll grow in numbers as more and more intelligent, compassionate people learn exactly what's been done in our name. The government or elements therein are not this country and they deserve no respect or consideration for the terrible deeds they do under the banner of so-called national security.

Are Muslims the real danger to our existence or is it something else? Have we created the monster they are holding up in a terrorist enemy? The biggest threat to this country is the tyranny by which we are ruled.

Checks and balances have gone out the door and we have in its place an executive branch run amok. Signing statements allow for legitimate laws to be broken by certain people while others become the victims of these broken laws. People are being spirited away, held in confinement with little access to courts and possibly even to family members. They are tortured and humiliated then sent back to their country of origin to incite more of the hatred that exacerbates the problem.

The Constitution provides a remedy--impeachment. The time is now, not after elections that may make it an impossible endeavor if they are again hijacked.

Like those who accuse conspiracy theorists of only researching those areas that support their position, so too have those when it comes to researching and trying to understand near eastern religious dogma. This is why we have fearful people out there screaming that all Muslims and Arabs are a threat and we should deal with them as a whole. It's judging the group for the actions of the few. It's refusing to acknowledge individuality.

As one who believes that 9/11 was an inside job, one who has educated herself by considering all sides, i've found that there is definitely something wrong especially when our foreign policy breeds such hatred and ignorance when it comes to those they've labeled our enemies.

The system is broken...the country is bankrupt and we are witnessing the decline of the American Empire.

What are you going to do when the war comes to America? Are you going to kill all the Muslims as well as all the other people who stand with them and support their right to exist in this country?

We're on the verge of catastrophe and the ignorance that’s been thusly exhibited is going to hasten the inevitable.

One has to wonder how the military feels about current events when things are seemingly so fubar. The way we're going about combating terrorism has turned it into a bigger threat than ever before in our existence. You can't fight terrorism like that. With every operation ordered by the civilian leadership and executed by our troops we are creating 10x the problem. They told them they were fighting for freedom but as freedom gets taken away, that lie is exposed, so what are we really fighting for?

Terrorism is merely a symptom of our own foreign policy. Does that make me anti-American? Hell no, it makes me anti-fascist or something which is what we are resembling with the propaganda machine churning out movies like United 93 and World Trade Center. Our media is censored and pseudo-patriots shout down the more sensible minority who question motives.

It's time the people organize and educate others who are being blinded by an illusion cobbled together by some talented magicians in the state department. The time to take action was yesterday.

Doesn't anybody even understand what is happening?

We must impeach these people, call for a cease fire...bring home the troops and face the consequences of the bankruptcy and specious foreign policy that got us here.


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