Saturday, April 22, 2006

Are websites like these useless?

The post below was left on a forum that has a thread questioning 9/11. Someone had posted that this type of activism is useless in getting at answers. This was my reply to that person:

April 21 2006, 7:54 PM

Could also say that as long as the dialogue is allowed to persist, it can't be forgotten and those of us with questions will never be complacent when it comes to trust in government. National security becomes very iffy.

When the discussion is not allowed to happen, as in censoring public outlets for debate, the questions keep coming and then even more get raised.

See, I haven't participated in a lot of this discourse over the years. Just the usual passing observations that it was indeed a strange day. In looking for an outlet to debate the anomalies in this resurgence of interest I've come up against violent opposition and brick walls.

Yet, every day, new people like me begin to think the unthinkable. We crave education about 9/11. We want our questions answered. 9/11 is the lynchpin in the whole PNAC (Project for a New American Century) imperial machine. Look it sure to check the members list. Read their mission statement. It's ridiculous, arrogant and insanely dangerous to the whole planet.

If muslim terrorists executed all that damage all by themselves, ALLAH must be with them. In that case, maybe we better start looking into why the gods are angry. If our government did it, (more plausible explanation) then those responsible should stand trial. Let the people decide what is in their best interest. Using our military in a big fight over oil which inevitably makes the rich Bush cabal even richer, leaves me cold. Our VP pulled in 8 mil. last year. Halliburton stock in 2002=$9, Halliburton stock today=over $60.

My rantings on internet forums may be useless, but at least it's something. I advocate a world tribunal be called to investigate 9/11. Give it all the resources it needs to do a thorough, complete investigation. No USA government provided experts. Completely non-biased.

In the words of an illiterate American president: "There's an old saying in Tennessee —I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

If something rivaling 9/11 happens again, the first place to look for suspects ought to be the White House. Cuz we will be damned to hell if we get fooled again.


At 12:37 PM, Blogger Accidental Antagonist said...

The forum this post appeared in was on a bulletin board put together by the comedic duo Penn & Teller.

Their Showtime television show called "Bullshit!" did an episode on Conspiracy Theories. One segment of that show concentrated on 9/11. They made those connected to the movement appear to be uneducated, paranoid idiots. Pretty insulting to the rest of us. I have been posting there as just_a_mom. I don't know if I can change anybody's mind connected with the Penn & Teller show, but if I can change one who might be perusing their forum, it's worth my time.

Showtime episode clip:


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