An explosive scene caught on film by a 9/11 victim

His pictures seem to answer the question: How do 3 steel-framed buildings collapse in one day? The high def pictures show buildings being blown apart by something other than fires or coming down in pancake fashion. (official explanation)
WTC 7 wasn't even hit by an airplane. It's been said that WTC 7 sustained damage enough to compromise the building's integrity. Fires were also suggested to explain the collapse. There is no clear picture or video that supports the claim that the damage or fire was substantial enough to collapse a 47 story steel frame building. Many of the reports suggest the southwest corner of the building sustained a large amount of damage. If this is what is being blamed on the collapse, shouldn't the building have listed to the southwest and come down in a more assymetrical way? Instead, it came straight down into it's own buildings do in controlled demolition.
Never forget Bill Baggart or any of the people who died on 9/11 or who have been killed fighting the never-ending war on terror.
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