Tuesday, May 02, 2006

It's hopeless

My adventures in blogging and arguing 9/11 government complicity have come full circle. I now realize that we're in too deep, that there's too many cointelpro and just mindless sheep insurgents who have invaded the truth movement putting forth violent opposition, implausible alternate theories, ridiculing people on forums, on blogs, on websites devoted to truth that the light will never reach the masses. We are doomed to the dark and uncertainty of what it all means.

I have a few suggestions though. Love your family. You don't know when something bad is going to take them from you. Love yourself. If you've found this blog, you are obviously a truth-seeker and you are one of the good ones deserving of love and compassion.

Our country is on a path to destruction. If you have the ways and means to get out, do it. There's not a republic left to defend.

This country has been waging nuclear war since 1991. Depleted uranium dropped in the Middle East has resulted in a slow poisoning of the people there and our own troops who are being forced to fight this war in the interest of the Bush-connected Carlyle Group and the Cheney-connected Halliburton. There is approximately 3 trillion dollars missing from the defense budget already, so they definitely have the resources to keep their fight going much longer than any of us little people can only dream of.

We have been manipulated, maligned, dismissed and discouraged. They won before most of us even got into the game. They mean to destroy over half the world's population in the selfish interest of the power elite and are well on their way in the Middle East.

Today, FOX news has gone on a new rant about South American socialism being a threat to our economic interests and are forwarding possible military action there. Iran is definitely in the crosshairs and with 3/4 of the world angry and suspicious of our intentions this has made us a target for global action against the United States that will bring about the final showdown. Maybe these are end-times. Nowhere in history have we been so close to total annihilation than now

So, in the interest of sanity, goodwill and just plain common sense, give up and concentrate on those things most important, the love of family, the sanctity of a life lived well and your own self-preservation. We have lost and will never possess the tools it would take to save the planet let alone our own little place in it. Concede, it's not worth it. Let the end of days begin...hang on precious, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.


At 8:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

End game strategies:





At 11:45 PM, Blogger Accidental Antagonist said...

Thanks, anonymous. What's your name? I'm Kat. Just sitting here all smug for finally realizing that I can't stop it. It's like an epiphany, yanno?

Through all the frustration and indignity I've suffered over the last 5 years, one thing has stood out. I love my life.

What's left of it is meant to be enjoyed. Even if that means someone is watching me smoke my weed (hell, dey prolly are the ones providing it) or gettin off whilst I enjoy my sexcapades, ain't a damn thing I can do about it.

If they wanna come take me away and put me in a camp, I'll just let 'em take care o' me for the duration. It ain't dat big a deal. As I saw someone on another forum state, "we can sit around a campfire roasting marshmallows tellin spooky stories." It'll be fun!

Life is what you make with what you have...that's what poppa rummy says. Or did he say you go with what you got, not with what you want? sump'n like dat. So, I'm just gon' go wit what I got and make myself believe it's what I want.

It's easier that way.

At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you a Khazar?

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Accidental Antagonist said...

Now, why would you ask me that?


At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because it is perfectly obvious to impartial 9/11 researchers - given the overwhelming evidence - that Israel was THE prime executor and beneficiary of 9/11. Yet, not a peep from you about this very fact.

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Blair et al are mere puppets of the International Money Masters - virtually all of whom are Talmudic Khazar Jews, who also created, control - and have always controlled - Israel.

At 10:26 AM, Blogger Accidental Antagonist said...

Dude, that's not my comment. I don't post here as anonymous.


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