Evidence of thermite charges set in WTC

There is photographic and video evidence of the presence of thermite which cut the steel supports in the WTC after it was hit by an airplane. If we were to buy the official story, that the steel "melted" or "softened" to an unstable degree which contributed to the destruction, how can they explain this photo? The steel looks cut, not melted or softened as the official story claims. See more about thermite as the probable cause of the collapses of the buildings at WTC on 9/11 here at this link.
An exerpt from the linked article:
"In this photo, for example, the column directly above the fireman's helmet shows that it was cut with thermite. There is a substantial amount of hardened molten iron which can be seen on both the inside and outside of the box column. This is precisely what one would expect to find on a column which had been cut with thermite."
Video evidence showing unusual burning, molten steel pouring from the tower just before the collapse. It's a disturbing scene which includes the reaction people had after witnessing the first tower collapse. Their emotional reactions were caputured on the audio portion of this video. Exercise caution when choosing to view this evidence.
Hi Kat,
this is my first post to your blog. I read some of your comments over at the Smirking Chimp message boards and then heard about this site from Bravocharlie911.I'm in complete agreement with you.I've been a staunch member of my own 911 truth movement for four months now.I'm also a mom,and I think this is THE issue of the times.Any way the point I want to bring up right now is the articles(from Popular Mechanics, American Scientific,and recently,from aDr. Partridge)which admit that jet fuel does not burn hot enough to melt steel,but that it didn't need to, it only needed to weaken the structual integrity etc...Okay,then..what did in fact,melt the steel? there is MOLTEN STEEL in the basements of all three buildings including building 7.All these articles also ignore the free fall speed of the buildings.Keep up the good work-Layla
thanks layla
been a bumpy road this past month. What a road to discovery. Painful, to say the least. Thanks for stopping by!
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